Be Part of the Solution
Become a
TKA Partner
The Partner Program experience begins when someone has a heart for what is happening at The King’s Academy and decides to financially support a student by bridging the gap in annual tuition. Once a partner makes their gift, we partner them with a student and encourage them to take advantage of a few benefits throughout the year. Learn more here Partner Experience. For more information visit our Partner Program FAQs.
Become a Friend of TKA
Donate Stocks
It’s simple to donate appreciated securities to The King’s Academy. Click the button to download the form. Complete the form and send it to your broker. Please notify us when you’ve originated the transaction so we can monitor the process and follow up with a donation receipt. Thank you for donating to our school in this unique way.
If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Development, Rebecca Harsila by email at [email protected]